Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A new season at the Boyd Street community garden

A few regulars have already begun preparing the soil and growing some veggies. Bulbs are starting to bloom, too. And as is the case every year around this time, there is work to be done. Saturday, April 16, 2011 is the Mayor's spring clean-up. Besides other neighborhood cleanup events, we will be hosting a garden work day on the 16th (exact time, TBA). Some of the projects include painting flower boxes, building raised beds, rebuilding brick planters, weeding and more.

And if you are interested in reserving a plot in the garden for yourself, just send an email to sowebogardening [at] gmail [dot ] com.

1 comment:

  1. I just discovered your blog and I'm thrilled to see these articles and activities. Good job!
